Thursday 27 November 2014

Chettinad Chicken Fry recipe / Kozhi Varuval – Pressure cooker method.

Chettinad Chicken Fry
Chicken pieces in bone – 500 gms
Onion chopped – 3 numbers
Tomato chopped – 1 number
Ginger and Gralic paste – 2 tsp
Curry leaves – few
Pepper powder – 1 tsp
Chilli powder – 1 tsp
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Salt to taste
Oil - 4 tsp

1. In a large bowl add chicken pieces, chopped onions, curry leaves, ginger and garlic paste, pepper powder, red chilli powder and turmeric powder. Mix well everything and marinade chicken along with other ingredients for atleast ½ an hour.
2. Place the marinated chicken along with other ingredients in a bowl, place bowl in pressure cooker and pressure cook chicken for 7 mins. Remove the chicken from pressure cooker.
3. Heat oil in a pan, add the cooked chicken along with the gravy, chopped tomatoes and salt to the pan, stir well and cook the chicken until dry and oil floats on top.
Chicken Varuval


  1. Hi
    Thanks for sharing this recipe.
    Can you please explain what you mean by pressure cook for 7 mins? Can I add the weight on top and let it go through a few whistles or not put a weight on the cooker but just cook it for 7 minutes?

  2. Hi, thanks for asking. Place weight on pressure cooker and cook chicken for 7 mins( during 7 mins of cooking process 2 whistles will release depending on size of your cooker).

  3. Hi , thanks for the recipe , if i am taking 1 kg chicken, then also the same 7 min for cooking in pressure cooker

    1. Chicken is lean meat which cooks faster, may be you can cook for 3 more minutes if cooking 1kg chicken( including breast meat which is fibrous than thigh meat), that's totally 10 minutes but not more than that because it again cooks on the pan until gravy dries up.

  4. How much water need to add in pressure cooker?

    1. I believe you are asking about the water needed to be added with chicken marination which is pressure cooked. I buy packed chicken in bone from supermarket, generally these chicken oozes lot of water by themselves so I don't add any water during pressure cooking. If you prefer you can add about 1/4 cup water which is sufficient if you add more water then you to need wait until all these water to dry up while frying.

  5. I tried this recipe today. It was very easy to make and it turned out to be perfect! :)
